Thursday, 28 June 2012

Little Yolandi

I'm sure many of you will be familiar with South African band Die Antwoord - they are certainly a little different. I'm not really sure what to make of them to be quite honest! A lot of people have been talking about Yolandi lately, so I decided to do a little illustration of her. 

I hope you all like it, and if you are into Die Antwoord, then you should check out Jack Parow for more insanity!


Monday, 25 June 2012


Just a quick little post to show you this new digital illustration that I did yesterday. I really like the pastel hair trend that has become so popular at the moment, so I thought I'd give her some nice minty hair. 

Hope you all had a good weekend.


Saturday, 23 June 2012

Red Velvet

This is another new illustration which I completed a few days ago, inspired by lovely red velvet cupcakes! I hope you all like it.

This is available as a print on my Etsy store here, so if you are looking for some new wall art please take a look! I will have a few more to choose from over the next few days, and this is just £4.00!


Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Giveaway Winner!

I just wanted to announce that the winner of my print giveaway is the lovely Marta who runs Glitter Detector. I think it's quite cute that she won, because a little while back I won her Lip Tar giveaway! I hope you will have a little look at her blog because she's a genuinely nice girl. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Blogs I Like: Bubble my Licorice

Bubble my Licorice is a fashion and lifestyle blog created by two girls, Gracie and Daphne, who are from Athens, Greece. I discovered their blog a little while ago, and I always really enjoy reading, as they have a great variety of posts, and the fact that there is two contributors means there is a lot more diversity of content. Also, check out how awesome their hair is! Gracie used to have pastel pink hair, but she's recently dyed it bright blue, and I think I like it even more now. 

Check out their blog here


Sunday, 17 June 2012

X-Men Girls

I've always been a really big fan of X-Men - does anybody else remember watching the cartoon as a child? My favourites were Rogue and Gambit, so that's why Rogue gets to be the centrepiece of this illustration! I'm hoping they have some more films in the works because I love them too (apart from Last Stand which just seemed a bit underwhelming). Anyway, I hope you all like this little illustration. Feel free to let me know if there's any particular characters you would like me to draw. 


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Little Khaleesi

I've just finishes watching the second series of Game of Thrones, which I really enjoyed (except for how insanely annoying I find Joffrey!) so I decided to do this little illustration of the 'Mother of Dragons'. I hope you all like it. 

Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Pastel Triplets

I had a long play around in Photoshop today, and this is what I managed to come up with! I plan on making a few more like this - I think it turned out pretty cute. 

I hope you like it too.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Blogs I like...Pastelbat

This is a blog I have only recently discovered but I already love it. Pastelbat describes her blog as a mixture of "cute and creepy" which is awesome! If you are interested in Lolita or Japanese inspired fashion, then I would definitely recommend stopping by. She always has the most amazing outfits, with a great collection of patterned tights - including the bat ones in my illustration. I really adore all of her accessories too - I think they make each outfit look extra unique and interesting. 

I hope you'll all check out her blog!


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Wildfox #2

The Wildfox blog is a continual source of inspiration for me. I love looking through Kim's photo's, and when I saw this, I knew I had to draw it! I think the model is called Amanda Booth, and they seem to feature her quite a lot lately. I'm sure many of you are big fans of Wildfox, so I hope you like this.
