Friday, 30 October 2015

Celestial Kitten

Here is last week's Colour Collective piece based on the colour 'Dark Sky Blue'. I decided to take a little inspiration from ancient Egypt, and of course, had to feature another kitten! 

Happy Halloween!

C xxx

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Madame Leota

Today's spooky offering is based on one of my all time favourite Disney rides, The Haunted Mansion. If you're not familiar with the ride, then the lady in the crystal ball is Madame Leota, the mansions resident psychic medium. She calls on all the spirits of the house and soon after, the ghosts materialise and you can see them going about their business! Have you ever been on this ride? My favourite part is the 'Stretching Room'. 

C xxx

Monday, 26 October 2015

Kitten Fang

Halloween is almost here and everyone needs a cute kitten familiar, but not everyone is allowed a pet, so instead you can have this digital version - Kitten Fang! Have you got any plans for Halloween this year? Are you going to any parties or do you prefer to stay at home?

C xxx

Friday, 23 October 2015

The Rose and her Daughter

Here is last week's Colour Collective based on the beautiful colour, 'Indian Red'. I was inspired by the Golden Afternoon song in Alice in Wonderland and decided to draw the Red Rose and turn little 'Bud' into her daughter instead. My boyfriend described her as a "rose princess" which sort of fits the bill! Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

C xxx

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Siamese Cats

I adore all cats, but Siamese cats are just so pretty! I feel like I've gone a bit cat crazy lately, and I have even more feline themed illustrations to share! I hope you're okay with that!

C xxx

Monday, 19 October 2015

Alchemical Star Kittens

Some more silliness from Star Kitten! I made this because I was really keen on putting a black and white illustration together, and the alchemical symbols? I don't really know why I chose those but I thought they would fit well with the mystical theme. I need to start thinking about what I'm going to do with Star Kitten and I really have to find some inspiration for little adventures she can go on. If you have any ideas, please let me know!

C xxx

Friday, 16 October 2015

Halloween Kittens

Halloween is almost here - yay! This is last week's Colour Collective and the selected colour was 'Russian Violet' which I thought would be perfect for a Halloween-themed illustration. Of course, it had to feature some sweet kittens and other spooky paraphernalia, including potion bottles and candles. I've decided that the little kittens are called Tara and Jade! I do have a couple more Halloween illustrations to share very soon, so look out for them if you enjoy this holiday.

C xxx

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Petal Puppy

Today I have this happy, little puppy to share with you. He likes playing in autumnal flowers and being silly. He doesn't have a name though, what should he be called? :)

C xxx

Monday, 12 October 2015

Golden Afternoon

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Alice in Wonderland was one of my very favourite films growing up. I watched it countless times and never once got bored. I especially loved the scene when Alice finds herself amongst a whole host of flowers and they sing 'Golden Afternoon' - the little pansies were so adorable! I know they ended up being really mean, but I can't help but like them! Which characters do you like best from Alice in Wonderland?

C xxx

Friday, 9 October 2015

Midnight Bugs

So, it's Friday which means it's Colour Collective time! Next week I have a really cute Halloween'y piece to share, but for now, here is last week's illustration. The colour was Cadmium Yellow Pale and I used it quite sparingly because I was a little unsure how to work with it/create a palette that would suit. This ended up being one of my most popular Colour Collective's though which was pretty cool! I'm usually quite freaked out by bugs, but these ones seem alright (except the wasp!). 

C xxx

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Party Chickens

Just a couple of cute chickens wearing party hats as they hang out in the yard.

C xxx

Monday, 5 October 2015

Star Kitten at Lunchtime

I wonder if anyone remembers Star Kitten from a little while ago? Well, at the time a couple of people said they'd like to see her again in some different illustrations, so I've created a new one for her! This time she is preparing a bowl of soup for her lunch. I hope you're all having a good Monday so far; and if you have any other ideas for Star Kitten, just leave a comment! 

C xxx

Friday, 2 October 2015

Royal Birds of Paradise

Here is last week's Colour Collective piece inspired by the colour 'Rose Tyrien' which totally made me think of GoT but then I realised a happy, bright pink might not totally fit in with that show! I decided to draw these cute birds of paradise instead. 

C xxx