Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Karla Powell!

Hey guys! I hope you are all having a good week so far. A little while ago, the lovely Karla Powell got in touch with me and asked if I would like to create an illustration based on her work, and of course I said yes! Karla is a really talented make-up artist who has a fantastic portfolio - I just love the diversity of her looks. I decided to take inspiration from a couple of her looks, but I decided to turn the models into make-up brushes! I'm really happy with how each one turned out. I did take a little artistic licence because I decided to add a little mermaid tail to one of them (I just thought the shape of the brush was a little like a tail!). I have linked all of the images below that I was inspired by. 

 Food Inspired Make-up and hair project.

 Gestural Absraction


If you would like to get in contact with Karla or view her blog/portfolio, please click here! 


Friday, 25 January 2013


This is my entry for a new competition on Talenthouse (it's still open if any of you fancy entering it too!). The brief is to design a collectible postcard for the release of new movie Stoker which I believe is being released sometime in February. It's also written by Prison Break's Wentworth Miller which surprised me! It looks like it's going to be a pretty interesting movie and I'll definitely watch it. 
Anyway I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to support my entry which can be found here!
There's a brief explanation about my entry on the site so you can find out my inspiration behind the illustration. 


Monday, 21 January 2013

Mermaid and the Moon

This is something I finished quite a while ago now but I completely forgot about posting it on here. I really like turtles and this one is just casually giving the mermaid a lift! I hope you guys are enjoying the snow if you have any, be careful if you are venturing out today! xxx

Thursday, 17 January 2013


This is my latest completed commission which was done for Nia who runs fashfoodista! Her blog is a lovely blend of food and fashion, and her features include outfits of the day, and awesome recipes! Her latest recipe is a warming casserole which is ideal for the frosty weather we have been having lately. This was such a fun and cute commission to design, and Nia was really kind and helpful with her suggestions. I particularly like the little cupcake! 

I would recommend checking out her blog


Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Well, this is another illustration in my animal girl series - this time I went for a cute red squirrel. The red variety are definitely my favourite, but grey squirrels can be quite adorable too. A friend of mine has requested that I do an owl for my next one, so I might base her on Hedwig! xxx

Friday, 11 January 2013

The Bunny Wood

This is just a continuation from my last post really - I want to try and produce a small series of these little animal girls, so if you have any suggestions of other animals that you want me to use then please let me know! I have also just received my order of custom acrylic charms featuring my artwork, and I should hopefully be selling them as necklaces as soon as the chains arrive so look out for that post! Have a good weekend! xxx

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The Snow Child

I started this drawing last week just for fun, and because red foxes are very cute. Afterwards when I was looking for new books for my Kindle, I found out that there was a novel called The Snow Child and that the concept of the book perfectly coincided with my illustration! I've since downloaded the novel but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Have you guys read any interesting books lately? 
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! x