Friday, 29 May 2015

Tigers in the Jungle

Last weeks Colour Collective! The selected colour was 'Olive Green' which I just loved.

C xxx

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Free Printable: June Calendar

This months calendar is inspired by World Environment Day which is on the 5th June. Feel free to print it off or use it as your lock screen! 

C xxx

Monday, 25 May 2015

50 Things That Make Me Happy Tag!

Thank you to one of my blogging besties, Jennie, for tagging me. You can view her tag here, it's really great!

1. Creating a clean, tidy, and organised home - it helps me to concentrate!
2. Pineapple juice; It's so refreshing and summery. 
3. Sleeping in late.
4. Re-reading favourite books. 
5. Harry Potter! I just typed that as 'Happy Potter' to start with. Ha. 
6. Seeing really cute and friendly cats when I'm walking to the shops. 
7. Feeling super inspired to create.
8. My boyfriend and family, of course!
9. Cups of tea.
10. Decluttering and throwing away random old junk mail that's accumulated. 
11. Mini Milk lollies.
12. Finding new, talented illustrators whose work I really admire.
13. My blogging pals. 
14. Imgur, I think I'm obsessed but it's hilarious!
15. Inexpensive but really thoughtful gifts.
16. Cheshire Ice Cream Farm. This place makes the best ice cream ever. 
17. Home cooked meals.
18. Really good takeaway meals!
19. Learning new recipes, and finding out that they really aren't so complicated after all.
20. Art supplies.

21. Adorable baby animals.
22. All types of cake! I'm not fussy in the slightest.
23. Peace and quiet.
24. Finding really awesome bargains.
25. Taking a walk up to the park to see the little ducklings. (Also, watching people trying to feed the ducks and attracting a swarm of pigeons instead). 
26. Art galleries and museums. 
27. My favourite tv shows being renewed. 
28. Finding a fun new online game to play. 
29. Receiving a lovely compliment on my blog!
30. Sunny days that still have a fresh breeze.
31. Picnics in the park with all of my favourite foods.
32. The Lord of the Rings soundtrack. I honestly think it's my favourite soundtrack of all time.
33. Crying with laughter at some of the weird things that happen on Counterstrike. 
34. Brand new shoes.
35. Being able to help a charity in any small way. 
36. Finding things you'd forgotten about and remembering how great they are. 
37. Toffee yoghurt.
38. Reading a really unique and insightful blog post.
39. Having a mad half hour.
40. Being able to share my artwork and having people be interested in it!

41. Visiting places of historical significance. 
42. WDW. Well, it IS the happiest place on earth.
43. Winning a competition.
44. The smell of a freshly painted wall or new carpet. 
45. The first page in a brand new notebook.
46. Watching Sci-Fi shows. 
47. Clean bedding.
48. Buying a share size bag of sweets, and not sharing ANY of them!
49. Bath bombs.
50. The people that take the time to read my blog - You! 

I tag Marta and Tara

C xxx

Friday, 22 May 2015


This was last weeks colour collective illustration! The chosen colour was 'Cerulean Blue' so I took inspiration from Jennie and drew a narwhal! She had previously mentioned that they were one of her favourite animals, and I think they are pretty great too!

C xxx

Wednesday, 20 May 2015


I hope you're all having a good week so far! I've decided to start a Disney series focusing mainly on the princesses but I'll see how it goes! First up, we have Aurora. I think she might just have the best hair of any princess (barring maybe Rapunzel of course). Are there any characters you'd like to see me illustrate? 

C xxx

Monday, 18 May 2015

Baby Flowers

Little flowers in their tiny planter! I think they're feeling happy because they need both rain and sun to grow up! 

C xxx

Friday, 15 May 2015

Little Canary

This is what I made for last weeks Colour Collective. The selected colour was 'Lemon Yellow' so I created this cute canary! 

C xxx

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Ocelot Cub

Here is the next big cat in my series, an adorable Ocelot cub! I'm not 100% sure that they are actually classed as a 'Big Cat', but nevermind!

C xxx

Monday, 11 May 2015

Chanel A/W15 Beauty

A really simple beauty look from the Chanel show which would be pretty easy to recreate! I also love the lip colour - I think you could wear it for both summer and winter. 

C xxx

Friday, 8 May 2015

Lilac Dala Horse

Here is last weeks Colour Collective! The chosen colour was 'Lilac' - such a pretty colour and very summery too. 

C xxx 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Secret 7" X Let Forever Be

I'm really excited that I'm finally able to share this image! Earlier in the year I decided that I'd submit work to the annual Secret 7 show, not really thinking that I stood a chance of being chosen - but luckily I was! If you're not familiar with Secret 7, it's an annual charity event, in which 7 songs by 7 artists are pressed 100 times onto vinyl, artists from around the world are then invited to interpret the songs their own way and design a sleeve cover for their chosen track. The sleeves are then put on display before they are finally sold for £50 each, the buyers don't know what the chosen track is until they purchase a sleeve, that's why it's called Secret 7! This year the exhibition was especially exciting as it was held at Somerset House in London, which was a really beautiful location for the show. You can find out more about Secret 7 and see all of the others works here

C xxx

Friday, 1 May 2015

Strawberry Girl

Last weeks Colour Collective illustration! The chosen colour was 'Alizarin Crimson' - what an amazing shade.

C xxx