Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Rilakkuma Memo Pad

I decided to buy this as I felt that I was severely missing out on the January stationery craze! I spotted this on Ebay and decided that it was too cute not to buy even though it is extremely miniature and I really don't know how much I'll use it, but look at it! It's actually a little fold out booklet (think pocket sized) with a variety of sticky notes inside. It might be good for writing out little shopping lists and sticking to the fridge or something, or sending cute notes to friends/housemates.

There seems to be a variety of these memo pads on Ebay at the moment featuring different characters but I chose Rilakkuma as it is the one I am most familiar with.

The best bit is that this only cost £3.49 including free delivery - total bargain! 

If you want to partake in the kawaii fun, then you can find these little pads from this Ebay seller. I'd highly recommend, sticky notes are always handy to have around!

C xxx

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Help me to design Violet & Ted's Vegetable Patch!

I thought you guys might be able to help me out a little bit! I am currently designing a little vegetable patch to feature in Violet & Ted's lovely garden. So far, they have only got their tomatoes planted, and I thought you might be able to suggest what else they should be growing. I don't mind if it's a fruit or vegetable really, I just want a varied selection! A lot of growing vegetables are just very green and leafy, so can you think of any interesting-looking ones? I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Thank you! 

C xxx

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Violet & Ted Sneak Peeks!

If you follow Jennie or I on Twitter, you may have already seen some of these little peeks. All of these illustrations are for the Easter story, and I've still got plenty of work left to do - this is going to be much longer than the Christmas one and I'm already really excited about finishing it and showing you all! I wonder if any of you can guess what they will be getting up to? I'll try and keep up with my posting but I'm really keen to focus on this and make it the best it can be, I'm sure you all understand! 

C xxx

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


I decided to make this pattern on a whim the other day. After drawing so many flowers for the new Violet & Ted story, I got inspired! I find pattern making very relaxing and really quite interesting. There's absolutely so many guides online explaining how to do it, and you can even just use pen and paper (if you have the patience of course!). If you are ever bored one afternoon, then I'd really recommend giving it a go just for fun. I'm not exactly an expert just yet, but I'm going to continue to practise. Have you got any ideas for cute patterns you'd like to see in the future?

C xxx

Friday, 17 January 2014

A Blogger for Every Month!

I'm sorry I haven't posted any new illustrations in awhile! I've been busy working on the Violet & Ted Easter story, and it's definitely going to be a lot more detailed that the Christmas one so it's taking a fair bit of time.

 I had an idea for a little illustration series I could do throughout the year: A Blogger for Every Month! January's blogger is Cowbiscuits, I'm sure a lot of you will already be familiar with her wonderful blog - if you haven't checked it out yet, please click here! You won't be disappointed. 

C xxx

Friday, 10 January 2014

Get organised!

1: A6 Woodland Fox Diary/Paperchase/£7.50
2: Alice Weekly Schedule Diary/The Magic Notebook/£10
3: Alice Weekly Schedule Diary/The Magic Notebook/£10
4: Bird and Feather Moleskin/Ginger Pickle/£4
5: Magical Unicorn Notebook/Notonthehighstreet/£3.50

Inspired by a couple of 'my new diary' posts, I thought I would put together a little wishlist of my own. I've also thrown in some notebooks, as you can never have too many (if you're a blogger at least!). The cutest and most unique diaries and notebooks I've come across are from The Magic Notebook which I discovered via Daisybutter. They definitely aren't the cheapest, but they are just beautiful; jam packed with adorable illustrations. My favourites are the 'Alice' diaries, it would almost be a shame to write in them because they are so pretty! I think they appeal to me so much because of the 'childrens book' style drawings which I've really been getting into lately. I'd definitely recommend checking out the website if you are looking for new stationery. What do you think of these? Let me know if you find any other nice places to buy notebooks! 

C xxx

Monday, 6 January 2014

Jennie and Ralphie

I decided to make this illustration as a little surprise for Jennie (and Ralphie!). I've had the idea for this drawing for ages; I knew I wanted them to be in a meadow and I thought it would be cute if Ralphie was sipping some water from a little stream. I even added a baby version! I've never drawn an otter before, but I thought he'd be the type of creature that would hang around here. I think he's just wondering if he can be friends with Jennie and Ralphie. Please do let me know what you think!

C xxx

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Snow Puppies!

Happy New Year lovely ones! 

A little while ago my mum and Tara suggested that I should draw some puppies, so I did! I think Huskies are pretty festive at this time of year anyway. I'm actually quite scared of big dogs because an Alsatian chased me when I was little, but I can still appreciate how adorable puppies are.

What are your plans for the day?

C xxx