Monday, 17 February 2014

Howl's Moving Castle

I decided to read Howl's Moving Castle so that I could take part in the Book Jamboree. The idea is to read a book each month and then illustrate a character/scene or front cover - whatever really! Anyway, Howl's is Februarys book so I thought I'd download it and see what it was all about (I hadn't seen the anime!) and I loved it. It's such a sweet, charming, and magical book which revolves around a character called Sophie who works in a quaint hat shop. Unfortunately a witch curses Sophie and she is transformed into an old lady! She sets out to set things right and encounters Wizard Howl and then all sorts of craziness happens. I actually watched the movie after I had read the book, and I really enjoyed that too although the story is a little different. I'd recommend both! 

C xxx


  1. I've never heard of that story before but it sounds super cute! Lovely illustration, the dog is my fave part (obvs) xxx

    1. I can imagine Freddy doing something similar! Hehe, thank you Josie! xxx

  2. Eeeep, this is just the sweetest! I've never heard of this story before but it sounds really cute. I hope to one day buy a book you've illustrated! <3

    Tara xo

    1. It is super cute, I'd definitely recommend it - it's not too long either :) Aaw, you're so sweet, hopefully! <3 xxx

  3. Reading a book in each month sounds very good! I've been looking for a new book to read too, maybe I can use some suggestions from you :) xx

    1. I have a Goodreads account too: :) You can check out what I've been reading lately! xxx

  4. Replies
    1. Eep, you should! It's really lovely :) xxx

  5. what a wonderful illustration!
    Also the book sounds really interesting, may have to give it a read :)
    I like the idea of reading a book a month and especially getting to illustrate after, what a great idea!

    1. Aaw, thank you so much :) I thought it would be fun to take part. It's a really lovely book so I'm sure you'd enjoy it! <3 xxx

  6. I am obsessed with the Studio Ghibli version. Even called myself a fan, and yet... no idea it was a book. Shame on my fan claims!
    Beautiful art work as always, I'd love to live in Carly's cartoon world!

    Emma x

    1. The film is so so good too! Christian Bale was a good choice for Howl I think :) Aaw, thank you so much, that's a very cool compliment to receive! xxx

  7. Omg now I know what book you were talking about the other day, when I read the title it sounded a little bit familiar but then I couldn't relate it with anything so I really thought I didn't knew which story it was but I do know! Beatriz has the anime dvd and she loves it!! I'll show her your illustration tomorrow! xxx

    1. Aaw, yay! That is so sweet of you, I hope Beatriz likes it :) I've really been enjoying anime lately! xxx

  8. I love the Howl's scarecrow <3

  9. Wonderful challenge and gorgeous illustration! I am looking forward to all the other ones you will come up with. So sweet! x

  10. What a great illustration! And that is a great challenge, can't wait to see more :)

  11. I love this so much! I haven't read the story but it sounds so sweet <3

    Jennie xo |

  12. I haven't read the story or watched the movie, but it sounds interesting!
    I want to read the story!

    Hope you are well and happy!
    Lots of kisses
    Angelina -

  13. I've never heard of this book but it sounds like a great way of getting inspiration for new artwork! It's lovely =)

    Corinne x
