Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Just another little pastel illustration today. I've been busy working on a couple of commissions plus Violet & Ted so I feel like I'm getting a little behind with updating my blog. I'm trying though! I saw a really pretty photograph of a hot air balloon rising up behind some mountains so I thought I'd illustrate my own version. This illustration kind of reminds me of a vintage childrens book or something similar - what do you think? 

Enjoy your pancakes today! I'll be making some later, hopefully with some Nutella and golden syrup (not together, that would probably be too sickly even for me!). 

C xxx


  1. If one day I have kids, your art work will be shown to them :) Love this a lot, the colours are so soft and fresh <3 xx

    1. Aaw, thank you so much! That means a lot to me <3 xxx

  2. eee so cute! Love the sweet little hot air balloon! Enjoy your pancakes later sweet, yummy!! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

    1. I really did enjoy them thank you! They were so yummy <3 xxx

  3. I really like this! I think it's my favourite piece I've seen of yours so far, something like this would look so good in my classroom!

    Nicola // pink-confetti.co.uk

    1. Aaw, wow - thank you! That's such a sweet compliment :) xxx

  4. lovely and colourful landscape. the fish are too cute :) xxx

    1. Thank you Ale! I thought the river really needed some fish to make it a little more interesting :) xxx

  5. Awww, this is such a sweet illustration! I love the stripes on the balloon. Every year we have the Bristol international balloon fiesta so this definitely reminds me of being a kid and looking up into the sky in Summer! Sometimes they come right over my house and one even landed in the school playing field when I was young. ;)

    Tara xo

    1. Eep, thank you! That sounds really lovely - I'm not even sure I've ever seen a hot air balloon in real life before! I bet all of the children really loved that! My house was right next door to the primary school field - my dad used to pass ice lollies over the fence at lunchtime! <3 xxx

  6. Love the use of colours. Sweet.

  7. Such a pretty illustration, your illustrative style is the best! I love the pastel hues, and you're right, it does remind me of a vintage children's book too. I'd love to go in a hot air balloon :) xxx

  8. Love this, you are so talented x

  9. oooofff I love this, the air balloon especially. You should do an 'up in the air' illustration :-) hehe
