Friday, 12 December 2014

Zoe London GIF!

Zoe London Blogger Gif
I posted this on Twitter yesterday, but thought I'd make a little blog post too. I've been a fan of Zoe for ages and I always love illustrating her - she's very inspirational! Her content is always fresh and honest so she really does stand out. 

I also decided to test this gif out as a header over on my 'test' blog here and it looks pretty cool! I'll be offering these from now on, so if you're looking for a blog header that's a little different or just a cute portrait then give me a shout. 

C xxx


  1. Just to let you know, you'll be receiving an email from me in the new year about creating a header like this for me, thank you please. This is so great! Zoe looks completely adorable and I just love it! X

    1. Wah - thank you so much Leona! Really appreciate that and all of your lovely comments! xxx

  2. I've been loving Zoe's blog recently, ever since her blog makeover :)
