Friday, 6 March 2015

Kathryn's Dala Horses

The awesome Kathryn suggested that I should try drawing a Dala Horse in my style and after doing a little research on them, I did just that! I even added a cute, little baby version. I really adore these colourful, painted horses. What do you think of them?

C xxx


  1. Amazing work as always <3 The baby one is too adorable haha

  2. Ahhh this is amazing!!! I'm so so glad you decided to give them a try. They suit your style so well but you've really made them your own!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  3. So adorable! The detail is amazing <3

  4. Sooo cute! I love the baby one. I love when you do these illustrations with flowers and things, it's hard to explain haha...kinda like Scandi style! x

    Josie’s Journal

  5. This is perfect and looks just wonderful. I could imagine this all over walls on prints. So beautiful! x
