Monday, 10 August 2015

It's a Small World!

If you're not much of a Disney fan, then you may never have heard of the It's a Small World ride'. It's one of Disney's oldest rides and was partially designed by artist, Mary Blair. It's basically an indoor cruise where you travel to different countries all over the world and there are singing dolls in each country. I've made it sound a little creepy, but kids love it! If you've never heard the song attached to it, do yourself a favour, and don't google it! 

C xxx


  1. I'm going to have the song stuck in my head all day long now for a week haha! When we went to Disneyland with school one of our teachers got stuck in this ride for an hour x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. Bahaha, that's one of those classic incidents that kids talk about for ages after! xxx

  2. I think I went on that ride at Disneyland's Florida where there are lots of mini dolls with many nations right? Lol I hope it is the right one. Btw lovely Hawaii costume <3

    1. Yes! That's the one :) Haha, thank you Gail :) xxx

  3. It's a small world after all
    it's a small world after all
    it's a small world after all
    it's a small, small world

    My boyfriend just loves it when I sing it in a little voice! x

    1. You are so cruel Becky ahaha! Gotta love the song though! xxx

  4. So I just watched a video of the ride on YouTube! Your illustration is spot on! The ride strangely reminds me of Christmas!? Haha!

    Tara x

    1. Bahaha! I hope you didn't get the song stuck in your head! Thank you so much T :) I can kind of see that, especially with the snowy lands! xxx

  5. Omg I absolutely LOVE this! It reminds me of being a kid again! I remember going to Florida when I was a kid and it was my favourite ride haha :D So cute!

