Friday, 23 March 2018

Little Hands

Here is last week's Colour Collective illustration! The chosen colour was 'Eminence'. 

C xxx


  1. Pure magic my majestic goddess, this illustration has me totally bewitched! I love the stunning spell-binding vibes, such an absolute dream. The colours are so beautiful and hypnotising, such dreamy bliss my love! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

    1. Thank you so much sweet one! <3 <3 <3

  2. Hey Carly! I somehow stumbled upon your amazing art on Pinterest�� I sell reusable cloth pads on Etsy and I was wondering if any of your art is available on fabric? I use Spoonflower a lot to buy fabric that’s designed my independent artists. Do you have an account with them or something like it? If not have you ever considered uploading your designs? I know that the artists receive commission for their work and I’m sure people would love your designs on fabric! I would probably be a frequent shopper! My shop is MamaintheMoonlight if you’re interested! ��

    1. Hi Samantha! Thank you very much for your interest :) I don't currently have any fabric for sale but I will certainly take a look at Spoonflower! Thank you! xxx
