Monday, 23 December 2013


I have to make a confession and say that I haven't actually seen Frozen yet (I know!) but everyone was talking about it the other day on Twitter, especially Marta, so I decided I'd illustrate some of the characters. I'm definitely going to see this movie as soon as possible as it seems to have glowing reviews! Anyway, this is my interpretation of Anna, I decided to add a baby polar bear just for the cuteness factor so I hope you don't mind me taking a little artistic license. I've already started my Elsa illustration and hopefully I'll be able to post that after Christmas. I'll probably not be around on Twitter/my blog until the 27th so I will wish you all Merry Christmas now! I hope you have an amazing festive season, and I can't wait to read all of your Christmas posts. I've really been enjoying reading various gift guides and seeing all of your holiday decorations. 

You've all been so lovely this past year, all of your comments have been so inspiring and sweet! If you have any ideas for illustrations you'd like to see on my blog, then please just drop me a comment and I'll see what I can do in the new year. 

Thank you for visiting and for all of your amazing support! 

C xxx


  1. Lovely illustration, you've captured her so perfectly considering you haven't seen the film, that's impressive! You must go see it though, it's amazing!
    Can't wait for your Elsa illustration!
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas :)

    1. Thank you so much Libby! I think both of the sisters look so cute so I can't wait to finish my Elsa one :) I hope you have a very merry Christmas! <3 xxx

  2. This is gorgeous, Carly! Such a talented one are you. Can't wait to see more as ever! Hope you have an amazing Christmas my love. xxxx

    1. Thank you ever so much Michelle! You are too kind! I hope you have a fun festive season and take a well earned break! xxx

  3. This is so so lovely, especially the little polar bear! I hope you have the most magical Christmas lovely lady <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. Aaw, I'm glad you like the little polar bear! I hope you have a wonderful time too! You deserve to get spoilt :) xxx

  4. This is perfect Carly! As you know I've been so obsessed with the movie lately, I love the way you draw her clothes, can't wait for the Elsa one! Merry Christmas for you too hun! xxxx <3

    1. Aaw, thank you so much Marta! I was hoping that you were going to like this one :) I hope you have an amazing time <3 xxx

  5. The added polar bear makes it even cuter! This is lovely, I really want to see Frozen. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Carly! xxx

    1. Yes, it looks so sweet doesn't it! I can't wait to see it :) Merry Christmas to you Josie! <3 xxx

  6. Lovely illustration, I haven't seen Frozen yet either been too busy working, going to treat my little 4year old sister and go see it at the cinema as soon as possible! Wishing you a Merry Christmas Carly!

    Eloise | simplynaturale xo

    1. Thank you so much Eloise - I hope you enjoy it when you finally get to see it :) Merry Christmas lovely! <3 xxx

  7. love the details on the cape… and adding a wee polar bear is always a good idea ;)
    Looking forward to the Elsa illustration… enjoy the holidays. xxx

    1. I agree about the polar bear aha! They make everything better :) I hope you have a lovely time too :) xxx

  8. Merry Christmas Carly! Anna is actually my second favourite character (Olaf is my first) and this illustration of her is adorable. :)

    Tara xo

    1. Merry Christmas sweet Tara! I'm glad you like it, I can't wait to watch the movie! I hope you have an amazing Christmas, you deserve to get everything you want! <3 xxx

  9. I saw this movie last week and it is fantastic! Disney always makes such great movies! Your drawing of her is so beautiful and I love the added polar bear!


  10. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Carly and this is adorable! Aw it is a really good film, I did actually cry a few times- Disney reeaally know how to pull on the heart strings don't they! hahaha xxx

  11. So gorgeous. I am totally obsessed with polar bears, they are so amazing and beautiful. Happy holidays my lovely friend.

  12. I haven't watched it too but lots of my friends say it was really good! Merry Xmas and have a happy holiday my love!

  13. this is so sweet! i love her cape.

  14. This is perfect! She's my favorite.
