Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Artists I'm inspired by: Rebecca Cobb

I came across the work of Rebecca Cobb quite recently while I was researching Quentin Blake and their originals both happened to be sold from the same website. She's definitely had a fairly prolific career so far, having illustrated many lovely childrens storybooks. I love how unique and original her illustrations are, they are quite painterly and carefree, and her use of colour is really beautiful. I'm sure I would have loved these when I was little too! Do you remember any of the storybooks you loved when you were a child? 

You can have a look at Rebecca's portfolio here!

C xxx


  1. these are lovely, thanks for sharing her work too. I especially love the last one, in the forest :) xx

  2. They are so so lovely! I'll have an email over to you tomorrow, I've been scribbling down ideas all week in between Uni work! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

  3. I can see why you are inspired by her work - it's lovely!

    Corinne x

  4. I can definitely see how inspiring it is. Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. How lovely! My favourite is the last picture, I love the colours on the white background. I really liked Quentin Blake's illustrations when I was little but the original ones for Alice In Wonderland absolutely freaked me out! The heads were all slightly too big for the bodies, it was a bit surreal and just made me feel queasy haha xxx

  6. She has a very nice annd inspiring universe!

  7. Aww she has a lovely style, there are so many different colours and patterns! I think when I was younger I was drawn to Nick Sharratt and his illustrations for Jacqueline Wilson's books, but I don't really like them now. I always found Quentin Blake's a bit creepy! xxx

  8. I can see why she inspires you! These illustrations are lovely, I can't wait for you to illustrate a storybook. :)

    Tara xo
