Monday, 16 June 2014

Alsatian Puppy

I decided to draw a puppy, as I pretty much always draw kittens and rabbits - puppies need some attention too! I'm actually quite scared of dogs in real life as an Alsatian chased me when I was little, but I can still appreciate how cute they are! Anyway, if you like this one, I'll try and draw a couple more, or you can even commission me to draw your pet if you'd like! 

C xxx


  1. I love this, it's adorable! :) x

    Danielle from Cup of Loveliness

  2. Aww he's so cure! Yes lovely you should illustrate more puppies! xxx

    1. I will! I've been looking for pups on Pinterest! Thank you Marta :) xxx

  3. Ahh, love this one! Alsations are one of my favourite breeds by far and yours is adorable :)

    Nicola //

  4. YES puppies definitely deserve attention haha! This is so cute, when I have some money I'd love a Freddydog one! I used to be scared of dogs too, this sounds ridic but I was a bit afraid of Freddy when I got him even though I went on and on for a dog for years and he was just this tiny white fluffy thing haha! x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. Aaw, hehe! Thank you so much Josie - that is so kind of you! Gosh, well I'm even scared of little dogs aha. I did manage to stroke one a few years ago, but only for a second or two! He did seem very gentle though :) Freddy turned out to be an awesome pet! x

  5. This is so pretty!

  6. I looove puppies! This one is sooo sweet. Big dogs can be a little scary, I remember my cousin had 2 Alsations and I was always a bit wary of them...I like little puppies!

    Tara x

  7. I'm so sorry for what happened to you before but I was chased by some street dog too! But we became friends because I gave him food. He always waited for me in the front door since then :) xx

  8. YES more puppies!! I've always liked dogs but I did get knocked over by larger ones when I was younger. Sticking to the tiny ones for now lol

  9. Love this little pup pup! You're so good at drawing cuteness :D
