Monday, 27 April 2015

Caracal Cub

Caracals are one of my favorite wildcats, and just one of my favourite animals overall - they are so beautiful! I'd love to know what your favourite animals are? 

C xxx


  1. They're so beautiful, I love their ears! Mine is dogs, obviously haha, but I'm going to an alpaca farm at some point and I'm really excited! I want to go to Monkey World too x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. I think their ears are so sweet! I do really like alpacas too - their eyes are amazing! xxx

  2. Caracals are beautiful! I'd never heard of one before I read this, but look at the ears! So cute.

    I can't choose a favourite animal, but I love; dogs, kitties, wolves, leopards, and polar bears. Basically: anything furry and cute looking, even if it could eat you.

    1. I know! They are so brilliant! Same really :) I do love elephants too - beautiful! xx

  3. Awww, I know how you love Caracals and this illustration is beautiful, I love the flowers! Hummingbirds, seahorses and turtles for me! ;)

    Tara x

    1. You're such a cutie! N'aaw. I think your choices are so unusual and lovely :) My mum bought be a really lovely seahorse necklace from Tatty Devine and it made me think of you! It's carved from wood and is just so pretty! xxx

  4. Gorgeous! You know I love bunnies, but I also have a bit of a thing for narwhals too <3

    1. Bunnies are the sweetest and I do love them very much too! Narwhals are great, I could maybe base an illustration on one! xxx
