Friday, 8 February 2013

Lashes of London Competition!

I'm sure you may have seen other posts about this very awesome competition, but I thought I would give it a go too! E-tail has team up with Lashes of London in giving away a very generous £200 to spend on the brand. All you have to do is compile a collage of your favourite pieces from Lashes of London and then write a blog post all about it. If you want to enter too then just click here! 
The pieces I have chosen are slightly eclectic and clashing, but I kinda like it! I especially love the jacket which is actually in the sale now - bargain. I can also imagine the lilac skirt being adorable when the weather heats up, which will hopefully be soon! 



  1. The jacket you picked out is my favourite piece too! Good luck :) xxx

  2. that dress is stunning..good luck

  3. I entered this competition too, I love the dip hem skirt so much it's on my wishlist aswell
