Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Show I want to draw: Temperley S/S 14

All photo's taken from Vogue.co.uk

I seriously LOVED everything about this show, this was just a snippet of the awesome because every single look was perfect in my opinion. I'd love to draw all of these outfits but I think I'll just end up choosing a select few. I already have a lovely location in mind to use as a background (Sicily!) and I was thinking that it could be a group illustration as I very rarely do them. 

Anyway, have any of you guys been keeping up to date with LFW? Do you have any favourite shows that you recommend I check out?

C xxx


  1. I adore the third dress down, I saw it on Facebook recently with a comment about how it was fit for a princess and I totally agree! I look forward to seeing your illustration :) I often pin or bookmark clothes I'd love to draw xx

    1. They are all so gorgeous! I especially love the long lace number. I always forget to use my Pinterest aha - I should really start pinning more! xxx

  2. It's definitely one of my favourites so far! I will come and have a look now <3 xxx

  3. so wonderful, I love the material and the colours

    1. Yes, I think the whole collection is very elegant and pretty! xxx

  4. What a wonderful idea and I can I only imagine how fab your illustrations will be! I love this collection too m'dear xxx

    1. Ah, it seems to be a very popular collection but I can definitely see why - it's stunning! I hope you will like it lovely! xxx

  5. Ohh the 3rd and 4th pictures, so so perfect! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you <3 I'm excited to start it now! Hopefully it will turn out well :) xxx

  7. Oh my goodness, I want that cream lace dress for my *one day* wedding! How beautiful!? I loved Mary Katrantzou and the pastels at Burberry Prorsum. When the petals fell? Waaaah. Also Christopher Kane's location was fab with all those mirrors haha. <3

    Tara xo

    1. Ah yes! Imagine how amazing that would be. Oh and yes Christopher Kane was brilliant too! I've really enjoyed looking at all the shows for inspiration! xxx

  8. omg these long dresses are amazing!

  9. I'm loving all the LFW coverage everywhere at the moment, I'm hoping to go for myself one day, fingers crossed. This show is gorgeous, I love the fabrics combined with the gorgeous prints, it's just stunning xo

  10. These are absolutely beautiful! I would love to get married wearing the third one ahaha! xxx <3
