Friday, 7 November 2014

New Baby Greeting Card

So, this idea popped into my head a couple of days ago, and seeing as I've not really done anything like it before I thought it would be good practice! It's based on one of the most iconic scenes from The Lion King (of course!) and it's my take on a new baby greetings card. The baby looks like a pretty cool dude in my opinion. 

I'd love to know what you think. Would you buy this if you saw it in a shop? I think the text and decal would look nice if they were embossed maybe!

C xxx


  1. I love this idea Carly! The background colours in the first one are my fave. :D I'm not sure what my chances are of having a baby with beautiful blonde locks (even though Sam was blonde for a while). ;)

    Tara x

    1. You never know! I think your baby will be super adorable and rawrsome! xxx

  2. I would love to buy if any of my friends are about to have babies :) However, I would go for the 1st one sice baby would go great with soft and sweet colour :) xxx

  3. Haha! That's such a cute card idea :) love it!

    Sam | Tiny Paint Pot xx

  4. Wow this is such a good idea! I totally got the concept straight away before even reading your writing :D I think my favourite is the brown background, has a warm feeling to it :D


  5. Oh this is so so so cute! You're so talented Carly, I know I say it a million times but you really are xxx
