Saturday, 2 March 2013

Big Fish

I think Big Fish is definitely one of my favourite Tim Burton movies, it's probably one of the last he made before he went totally mental with the CGI, seriously, tone it down! Anyway, I adore the character of Sandra Templeton, she always looks adorable, and the styling of her outfits is just perfect! I decided to draw her in her classic blue dress. If you haven't seen this film, I urge you to watch it! If you are into magical and unlikely tales, I'm sure you will love it. The film also features Steve Buscemi dancing around like a loon, what else do you need! Do you have a favourite Tim Burton movie?

C xxx


  1. Ooh I like Big Fish! I haven't seen it in a long time but I remember really enjoying the film. Maybe I'll go rewatch it sometime soon.

  2. It really is a great movie and I think it's one of my favourites from him too! And this illustration looks beautiful it really captures Sandra, specially her pretty blonde curls! xxx

  3. Thank you lovelies! I've watched it so many times and it never gets old! xxx

  4. Oh the Big Fish is onte to my favorites movies form Tim Burtom World is really interesting. Really cute draw.


  5. Another beautiful illustration. I CRIED so much at Big Fish haha. My fave as to be The Nightmare Before Christmas! Classic.

    The Style Rawr!

  6. I agree, I'm not a massive fan of all this CGI-ness in his films haha! I still haven't seen Big Fish, so ashamed. My fave Burton film is Beetlejuice xxx

  7. Gorgeous illustrations! You are SO talented!!

  8. Found you through Jennie's blog. Your art is beautiful x
