Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The fashion genius of Willow Rosenburg.

Well, it seems that dungarees are well and truly in fashion again (I'm sure some people are wondering why!) but I've actually always had a fondness for them. If you are a Buffy fan then I'm sure you know that Willow has a penchant for a good pair of dungarees and can often be seen wearing them in the early seasons. Yes, they can look slightly nerdtastic but maybe that's not such a bad thing! I'm going to have a little rifle through my wardrobe and find my old pair, and maybe when this insane weather gets slightly warmer I'll start wearing them again!

1. Bitching & Junkfood via Asos. Acid Wash Dungarees. £95. These are ridiculously expensive but look how pretty they are! The fact that they're acid wash makes them even more 90's and stops them from looking too childish (although I do quite like to look a little childish on occasion!)and I just think they are pretty damn awesome. It's highly doubtful that I would pay this much for dungaree's but if you are feeling flush then these could be the perfect dungarees. 

2. Rokit, Vintage Pale Blue Dungarees. £25 There is a huge selection of vintage dungarees on Rokit, including long length ones if you fancy something a little different. I think £25 is a lot more reasonable for an item that might be a little faddy. 

3. River Island Red Floral Dungarees. £40. Again, I'd say these are relative expensive but I do like how different they are! These are definitely a statement piece and I don't think I'd be brave enough to wear them, but they are very Willow don't you think? Another thing about these is that they are actually long length which I think may be a little harder to pull off!

If you are a bit of a bargain hunter like me, then you could also check out Primark or Ebay who often have super cheap dungaree's available. I've also noticed that River Island have lots of cute pinafore's on sale at the moment so if you're looking to snap one up for a reasonable price then have a gander on their website! 

What do you guys think of them? 

C xxx


  1. I love Dungarees, when i was younger i had loads in different colours and styles, me and my sister were always out playing in them. I haven't owned a pair in so long! I was thinking about getting a dungaree dress. them red ones from river island are gorgeous! xxx

    1. Awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves them. I remember wearing them all the time in college too! xxx

  2. ahh Willow was the best! Wiccans 4 lyfe x

  3. Brill! I love dungarees, they are just pure childhood aren't they? xx

    1. Aha, yes totally! I think that's the reason I like them so much. xxx

  4. Really lovely clothes.



  5. Haha omg Willow! Used to love her. Love dungies, just ordered a pair from Zara xxx

  6. I've never considered wearing them, but I really like the floral ones! God bless 90s fashion haha xx

    1. Hehe yes, they are a bit of a funny one to style aren't they! I love the 90's lately - I have no idea why though! xxx

  7. The Bitching & Junkfood are amazing ! Though £95 is a little steep I think. The Rokit are cool too and I reckon with some dye they could maybe be adapted into the B&J version XXX

    1. Yeah, I do think £95 is way too much but I love the fact that they are acid washed. Defo, DIY is the way to go! xxx
