Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Surprise of the day!

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Big surprise of the day so far! I had an email from Rich Hinton who is a talented (and obviously kindhearted photographer!) to tell me he had nominated me in the Company Blog Awards. I've never been nominated for anything like this, I'm not sure my blog really deserves it to be honest! I'm currently working with Rich and Karla Powell on a project, so I might as well mention it again now. If you have any stories related to being an MUA and the struggles/problems you've encountered as you try to make your way in the industry then please do get in touch with Rich at They are primarily looking for make-up artist stories, but I think if you are just trying to break into the fashion industry in any way they'd also be interested in hearing from you! I've almost completed one of the illustrations so I can't wait to share that when I'm able to!

I hope you are all having a good week so far.

C xxx


  1. Congratulations Carly, I bet you were thrilled! x

  2. Congratulations on the nomination. Your blog definitely deserves it, you have so much talent young lady! :)


    1. Aaw thank you so much Philippa! That's really sweet :) xxx

  3. Wow, such a nice blog you have here♥
    You can check out mine too, maybe you'd like to follow each other.
    Have a beautiful day!
