Saturday, 20 July 2013

Inspiration: Melissa Chaib

Melissa Chaib is an illustrator I discovered a little while ago either on Tumblr or Pinterest (can't remember which now!) and I immediately fell in love with her illustrative style. I'm sure you will have seen some of these amazing pieces repinned as she is very deservedly becoming extremely well known. I love her focus on bright and colourful female characters, as well as her beautiful backgrounds. 

Sticker Sheet


Sixteen Candles 1984


I'm definitely very inspired by Melissa's work, it's made me want to work on improving the intricacy of my backgrounds and focus on creating interesting little details. I'm already happy with the way my female characters look, but I think I'm going to try and incorporate bolder colours from now on rather than always sticking with pastel hues. 

In other news, I've been working on a really lovely commission for Aesthetic magazine. It's been a lot of work but I'm super happy with what I have produced so far so I can't wait to see how it will all come together in Michelle's capable hands. Michelle is absolutely delightful to work with, and I love the theme she has come up with for the new issue so I hope you guys will check that out!

C xxx


  1. This is so amazing, what gorgeous work. I love it for the same reasons as you!

    1. Yes, it's so pretty isn't it! I love all of the vibrant colours and the little accessories she draws. xxx

  2. I've seen a couple of these illustrations on pinterest, they're super cute! Can't wait to see what you've been working on xxx

    1. Ah, they really are! I can't wait to let you all know! xxx

  3. Her work is so lovely, I am always so inspired by fashion/girl illustration! xxx

    1. I feel the same! Fashion illustration will always be my favourite I think. xxx

  4. I think I like the second and fourth the best.

    7% Solution​

    1. I really like the second one too - it's really awesome! xxx

  5. I love seeing you growing as an artist Carly, you've been having so many amazing opportunities lately! It really warms my heart and makes me happy!
    I've never heard of Melissa before but I'll check her portfolio now! xxx <3

    1. Aaw, thank you so much Marta - that means the world! I've been so appreciative of all the opportunities I've had lately, I hope it can continue! I hope you like her portfolio :) xxx
