Monday, 15 July 2013

My Giveaway Winner: Madame Gourmand!

A very quick post to announce that the winner of my Summer illustration giveaway is Daniella aka Madame Gourmand! Daniella is a lovely lady, and I've actually illustrated for her before, so I'm thrilled that she has won. As you can see, I'm fairly old fashioned and went about selecting the winner the old school way. 

I'm going to tweet/email Daniella in a moment, I'm really eager to hear her illustration ideas. I just wanted to say a massive thankyou to every single person who entered, I'll definitely run something similar in the future so you'll get another chance without a doubt!

C xxx


  1. How exciting, this was the best ever idea for a giveaway. I love the way you chose the winner, so sweet.

    1. Oh thank you so much Imogen! It did take me quite a while to write all of the entries out but I prefer doing it this way! xxx
